
Please contact Admissions & Administration, via phone 403-454-0948  or to talk to one of our experienced advisor to discuss any questions related with admissions

Admission Requirement For Standard Admission
Students must meet ALL of the following criteria:
• Successful completion of High School diploma
   OR Successful completion of the G.E.D or Equivalent
• Satisfactory interview with college admission department

Admission Requirement For Mature Admission
Students must meet ALL of the following criteria:
• 19 years of age (and one year out of high school)
• At least thirty-three credits towards an Alberta high school diploma or non-Alberta
• Successfully pass the standardized admission test conducted by college admission
• Satisfactory interview with college admission department

Wonderlic Scholarstic Level 
Prairie Western College will conduct Wonderlic Scholarstic Level Exam to determine the admissionability for the student for various programs


To Apply, please complete the webform and submit.

Alternatively you can contact the admissions office.

Admission Office:
Phone: 403-454-0948 or 403-454-7923